Friday, 29 January 2016

Love that I discovered this blog!

Gasp! I can't believe I did not know this

Ok so I'm scrolling through 'Bloglovin', (yes it's an actual site, really a great way to discover new blogs and keep up to date with the ones that you already follow) and it occurs to me how exactly  are all these people finding time to sit and type this out.

Not sure if it was a light bulb moment but yeah.... shouldn't there be an app for that? Was my first thought. Why don't I know about this was my second.

Now here I am on my smartphone discovering the beauty of technology all over again. 😀

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


Ok so I tried posting the articles that i have been writing in the Guardian's Woman's magazine and apparently only links have been coming up!

I am really thinking that I should just post the save files of the articles instead!